Where rainbows end

This book im really enjoying a lot.

This is about a girl named Rosie and a guy named Alex. Alex has moved away to spain Rosie and him have been friends forever now he has moved and has not seen her for a long time there friendship is spliting up and in the meantime Alex finds out Rosie is having a baby he is really worried for her because she cant even take care of herself he is trying to get a flight to come see her but it ends up not working out. I like it how the author wrote the book with thm writing notes back and forth I like how she really gets the characters to show how they feel about this it gets me really in to the book! My prediction about Alex, something came up and he ends up not being able to come. This book reminds me of when some of my friends move schools and we dont end up talking that much after it. I noticed that Alex is pretty sweet  to Rosie when she says about how she really misses him and says that there friendship is getting a lot farther apart.