
1) what I like about my book is its funny and I like that humorous, it makes me laugh alot another great thing about my book is the author of the book her name is francine prose she is a great, I have loved all of her books one of my favorite book writen by her is ” the atonement child.”

what I dont like about my book is the title- the title of the book is “touch.” The title of the book makes it sound  inappropriate, when actually it is not!

2) The part that puzzled me and made me ask a question about the book  is maisie the maine character is telling the wrong story and is messing up her hole life! In the book maisie told a friend that she was assaulted inappropriately then her friend told another friend and it spred like fild fire but actually she was not assaulted but anyways she said she was. Later on the school knows and teachers started to hear the rumour then parents and then lawyers! 

3) what I learned about the characters and how they act is Maisie the main character is not very populare and she seems to just have three friends that are boys. Maisie does not want to even try to make friends with girls, she just likes her three best friends that she new since kindergarten

4) A thing I found most interesting about my book is maise has three best friends that are boys and ushally girls have one girl best friend ushally also why would you lie about something that serious?