Demon In My View

The story ‘Demon in My View’ takes place in 2099, in a place that used to be Canada. But it’s overrun by motorcycle gangs, and was ruined by years of war and terrorism. A motorcycle gang called ‘The Reardons’ blinded Toby’s father, Talby. So Toby is going across Canada to get money from his uncle, to pay for his father’s eye surgery. He is joined by a man named Jim White, and his dog Ranger on his quest. But they must get past ruthless hunters, dangerous wildlife, and the Reardons bike gang.

Question 1:

I like the story of the book. It doesn’t sound very interesting and it sounds foolish, but it is actually a lot better than I thought it was going to be. I don’t really like the way the author, Tom Henighan, writes the book though. He doesn’t really specify who is talking and the story is told from a narrator’s point of view, not Toby’s point of view, I normally like books better told by the main character, but that’s just my preference.

Question 3:

I noticed that Toby, the main character, is scared of going out into the woods by himself. He fears that his father will get killed while he’s gone, and he says that he is nervous to go out, because he doesn’t want to run into the Reardon’s bike gang on his way out there. Old Talby is afraid for his son’s safety as well as his own. He is really jumpy because he is now blind and he is not used to it yet. He doesn’t want Toby to get hurt because Toby is the only family he has left.

Question 12:

I do not really relate to anyone in the book, except maybe Sarah. Sarah is a teenage girl who gets rescued by Toby and Jim White. Sarah is very independent and she likes to show Toby that she is able to do things on her own. I feel like I do that too because I don’t like people taking me for granted. Sarah is also a little annoying, just like I can be sometimes.


6 responses to “Demon In My View”

  1. vnacha4509 Avatar

    How did the reardons make talby blind

    1. jmoore7811 Avatar

      The Reardon’s threw some sort of salt into Talby’s eyes, and therefore, made him blind.

      1. vnacha4509 Avatar

        How does salt blind a person

        1. jmoore7811 Avatar

          It was a diferent kind of salt that made Talby’s eyes foam. I think it was some chemical.

  2. kbell6128 Avatar

    I like how you put a brief summary on what the book is about so we all know whats going on in the book. Your questions were detailed well too! GOOD JOB BUDDY!

    1. jmoore7811 Avatar

      Thanks pal. I liked how you did that with your post too!
