
7)  Some connections I made in my book is when I was ten I had to be a flower girl and in my book Maisie (main character)  had to be a flower girl and she was ten and she was not very happy. My second connection I have had in my book  is when my brother is talking and he talks forever I ushally tune out and just like Maisie when her brother talks forever and she does not wont to listen but she does not want to be mean. My third conection is my brother Wesley does not like alot of foods and when we have something he hates he probs at it and looks at it like it is a dead rat, just like maisie’s step brother. my forth and finale conection is when someone is whispering and they pull someone away I always want to know what they are saying!

8) The author in my book ( Francine prose); her style in this book is first person because Maisie the main character that got assaulted is talking first person throughout the whole bok. Maisie is talking about how her whole life has become a challange because of her three best friends assaulted her on the back of the bus ( or is that what really happened.)

9. )  the language the author used in my book  is soft and nice and funny when Maisie is talking but when her three friends

Kevin, Chris and Shakes  are talking they seem all tough, cool, athletic, and a ladies man. so pretty much they sound like normal guy and when maisie is around they talk normal but when she is not there they talk about guy stuff and how maisie has changed since she went to her moms for a year.

10.)  the author wrote the book to make it easier for teenagers theses day by making it funny and humourous because all girls and even maybe guys want to read something that is funny. They dont wont to read something that is serious and boring and that they will read twenty or ten pages and say I dont want to read this. The author wants to grab the atention of teenagers so she made it funny.

12. In my book I think I relate to Maisie ( the main character) because I am not populare and I would love to be best friends with guys and for them to want to hang out with me and for maisie thats what happened exept her three  best friends that she has known since kindergarden assault her!