Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2)

I have finished the book and it was so AMAZING! Again, I shall only tell the most important parts. (I tell the ending, so if you want to read the book, and don’t want to know the ending, don’t read it maybe..)

The rest of the book ended with fights, and deaths.
Harry was on guard outside the tent, when a silver doe appeared.  He followed it, and it led him to the sword, under a pond. He jumped in, but he was wearing the Horcrux, and it started choking him. Ron appeared, and rescued him and the sword. Ron stayed with them from then, to the end.
Later, they went to go and see Xenophilius Lovegood. He told them of the Deathly Hallows. But betrayed Hermione, Ron, and Harry. He had sent an owl to the Death Eaters, and they were now outside the house, trying to get Harry. They learned that he only betrayed them, to get his daughter, Luna back, who they have took.
But they got away.
They went to their tent, and were listening to their radio, broadcast by Lee Jordan. When Harry said Voldemort’s name, which was tabooed, and now they were surrounded by Death Eaters. They were brought to Draco’s house, where they were questioned and tortured. And they found Luna, Dean, Griphook and Olivander. But Dobby came and they escaped, not before Bellatrix threw her knife, and killed Dobby…
Griphook agreed to help them get into Gringnotts, and steal a Horcrux from Bellatrix’s vault. They got it, and escaped on a dragon.
Harry saw a vision, where he was Voldemort, and he saw that there was a Horcrux in Hogwarts, one of the last Horcrux’s. So they got into Hogwart’s, explained what was happening to all the good people, and started the war.
Harry found the Horcrux, and killed it. He was fighting when another death happened. Fred had died. Voldemort sent a message to all those in Hogwarts, for Harry to come to Voldemort. Harry was spying on Voldemort and Snape, when Voldemort killed Snape. He wasn’t dead yet, but would surly soon. Voldemort left, and Harry hurried to Snape’s side.  Snape gave Harry memories of him to see.  And it turned out that Snape was a good guy, he was a spy for Dumbledore, pretending to be a Death Eater.  Harry went to see Voldemort in the forest. On the way, Harry turned the resurrection stone in his hand, and Harry’s most loves who were dead, appeared. James, Lily, and Lupin. They walked with him to see Voldemort. There, Voldemort killed Harry. But when he died, he saw Dumbledore. Dumbledore talked with Harry, and explained a lot of unexplained things in the past. Harry came back to life. He pretended to be dead, until they carried him back to Hogwarts. Before he revealed that he was still alive, Neville was brave and stood up to Voldemort. Then Harry revealed that he was still alive.  They had an awesome fight, and won…
Harry ends up having a son who he names after Snape, and Albus Dumbledore…and more children, with Ginny as his wife.

4. What surprised me is that Tonks had died. It was sad.
8. The author’s style is really good, she doesn’t write from anyone’s point of view so much, so you can see everything and understand better. It makes me actually want to read Harry Potter.
9. The language is older, and they speak British, maybe she wrote this way to make it funny and fun to read, while making it interesting.



2 responses to “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2)”

  1. jmoore7811 Avatar

    Nice post! I thought it was sad when Tonks died too. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows is one of the best Harry Potter books in my opinion. Good job!

  2. cpatel8831 Avatar

    the battle of Hogwarts was epic! I’m really sad Fred and George died :'(
