THE WALKING DEAD Rise of the Governor

9. Write about the language the author used and why you think the author wrote this way.

I like the way the author makes the people talk, how he makes them talk like a normal person would.(swearing) I also like how he describes the setting and whats going on he makes the story feel so suspenseful even though you know nothing is going to happen, and just when you think nothing is happening… BLAM, something happens

4. Write about something in the book that surprised you or that you found interesting.

It was surprising when the little zombie boy was hiding in the dog house in the backyard, i thought that he would of come out by now or they would of found him chilling in there but of course the guy has to be tired so when the kid came out he had no chance of getting away.

16. Tell what you think could be changed in the book to make it better for readers.

I think it would be cool if they did cut off bobby’s leg and he survived because his leg was badly bit and i would not have expected that he survived that amputation.


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