Catching Fire


The parts of the book that puzzled me is when President Snow went and talked to Katniss about the games. It puzzled me because the way that the author wrote the chapter was confusing because the author wrote it from the point of view of Katniss so it didn’t describe what President Snow said just what Katniss thought about what he was saying. Another part in the book that confused me was when the games maker was dancing with Katniss and he said he still hadn’t recovered from the punchbowl incident. It confused me because the punchbowl incident was a long time ago and if he hadn’t recovered yet he wouldn’t become the games maker.


A part in my book that surprised me was that Peeta proposed to Katniss when they were just pretending to be in love. What also surprised me was that President Snow the person who is supposed to protect Katniss threatened to kill all of the friends of Katniss if she wasn’t in love with Peeta. It surprised me because after the games President Snow was supposed to Protect Katniss and Peeta then he goes and threatens to kill all of their friends if they didn’t keep faking that they love each other.


The authors style is the point of view of Katniss. It is good in a way because you get to know everything that is happening with the people around her. It is also bad because you don’t know what is happening in the other characters lives and what is making them act the way they act. Also the author writes with lots of description most of the time and you get a better idea of what is going on. The description is very good for the reader because it gets you more into the book.



One response to “Catching Fire”

  1. jmoore7811 Avatar

    What was your favourite part of the book so far?
