The Walking Dead Rise of the Governor (chapter one)

Q1.) I like how this book is not about the same characters as in the show and the graphic novel of the walking dead because i already know what would happen in the book and i like how the author thoroughly describes what is going on so i can get a vivid picture in my head of whats going on.

Q2.) I was wondering, at the beginning, why Brian and his brother Phillip’s daughter Penny were in the closet, there were zombies outside the closet and i was asking how long would it be talking about them their going to be dead in a page or two, but then Phillip finally came in to save them. Also i was asking myself how they got there, when i found out they didn’t live in the house, why did they go there, why go into a house that had zombies inside, why could they not of left when they saw the zombies?

Q5.) The zombies are going to breakdown the closet door and eat Brain and Penny. I was wrong about this Phillip was introduced to the story and killed the zombies before they could break down the door.


10 responses to “The Walking Dead Rise of the Governor (chapter one)”

  1. clamb9173 Avatar

    Good job answering your questions! your book sounds interesting. keep up the good posts! ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. jkiss3837 Avatar

    although the novel has the same storyline as the graphic novel, and i read the graphic novel, it seems like this would also be cool to read. keep up the good posts.

  3. tdeluca5174 Avatar

    Your book seems really good!! keep up the good work!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. rdawdy9914 Avatar

    sounds like a good book “eciwnave” keep up the good posts

  5. amckay9436 Avatar

    Your books seems interesting! can’t wait to hear about it more!

  6. jdrumm3758 Avatar

    Your book seems pretty cool to be honest, good post ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. ewice6041 Avatar

    A tank yu oll fo dee nas comments

  8. rellis Avatar

    Love the TV show! I must now go back and read the Graphic Novels, as well as the novels too. this series is soo much more than Zombies, its about civilization itself.

    1. ewice6041 Avatar

      I know, the author said he would rather read or watch people grow and learn and not just have a slaughter fest of both people and zombies

  9. msmuck5906 Avatar

    I really like zombies and this book seems pretty cool. Good post keep it up
