A Princess of Landover

I’ve read this book before, but I am reading it again because I had nothing to read…and this is a good book.

This book is about a Princess from Landover. Her name is Mistaya Holiday, she is a 15 year old, and who has a 21 years old mind. She is also magical and part fairy. Her father is Ben Holiday, and her mother is Willow Holiday. They have Abernathy, a court jester I think, and Quester Thews, Mistaya’s teacher. Landover is a magical kingdom where there are magical creatures and beings. Her father forced her to go to his world –he is from our world- to experience different cultures, and see how things work without magic. He sent her to a school called Carrington, where she was supposed to fit in. Mistaya didn’t want to go, and she didn’t know that people in this world don’t really care about trees. She really cares about trees because in her world, trees are living and moving creatures, also her mother is a sylph, who is a person who can turn into a tree when she pleases to. Mistaya caused some trouble in Carrington, and it all ended in her getting suspended. She returned to her world, and her fuming father.  Her father is fair, and nice. But he didn’t think that Mistaya should continue her studies with Quester, and so he was trying to find some challenging thing for her to do. He decided that she should go to Libryl, a library that has been deserted for years. He decided she should go there with Abernathy, and Quester, and fix the place up. She also doesn’t want to go to that, but Ben is making her. Right now she is running away, with her G’ome Gnome friend, Pogwyyd.



9. The author is writing like it is a foreign country, with proper language. I think he is writing this way because it kind of is a foreign country, and she is of royalty.

10. The way the author is writing is effective, because you really get into the book.

11. In the book, I like that they have names that sound odd, and that you really have to try to pronounce.


4 responses to “A Princess of Landover”

  1. rturner5239 Avatar

    Another book that you’re reading again……

    1. ajarrell6756 Avatar

      ja ja. silly mongoose.

  2. cpatel8831 Avatar

    it looks like a good book I really like the cover

    1. ajarrell6756 Avatar

      yes it is narwhal, yes it is.
