Q 1.) What you like or dislike about the book and why?                                                                                                         

A) Whay i like about this book is that it is a comic & what i also like about this book is it has diffrent stries inside the book .

What i dislike about this book is that on evert diffrent story it tells you who the pecilist is ,script,inks,colors,letters & who the editor is on every story.                                                                                                         


9. Write about the language the author used and why you think the author wrote this way.

A) the language the author used is really good because it matches the characters personality in the book

I think the reason why the author did it this way because it goes through with the characters from the show.


16. Tell what you think could be changed in the book to make it better for readers.

A) i think having more of homer simpson in the because he is the funniest in the show and so he should be the funniest in the book to.