Catching Fire

1. Tell what like or dislike about the book and why.

l like the book catching fire because it has a good starting and l am only on the first cople pages in ti it.


2. Tell about parts of your book that puzzled you or made you ask a question.

l asked questions when presedent snow when katniss and presedent snow were in the room together and they were talking about gale dieing and her family dieing to and that was if katniss did not go back in to the woods and hunt with gale or by her self.


13. If you abanded the book, why did you?

 l did not abanton my book because it is a good book because all my firends have reads it and they say it is a good book.




5. Write your predictions and about whether your predictions were right.


 l think that there will be one more hunger games and that will be the 75 hunger games so happy 🙂