
7:  Tell about the connections that you made while reading the book. Tell how it reminds you of yourself, of people you know, or of something that happened in your life. It might remind you of other books, especially the characters, the events, or the setting.

i mainly had connections with callie the main character. my connections were, i used to play baseball, i used to be in drama class, i know and knew alot of people that were rude and stuck up, my sister always gives me a death stare also, i always call my sisters fuzzy brain freaks, these two people   remind me of sophie and i if we were boys, those drawings remind me of my friends drawings, that little boy is just as annoying as my little sister, i am scared to go in the basement alone, my older sister has two best friends named jesse and justin, my foster sister loves bubble gum tea, my foster family is from Amsterdam  my cousin wants to be a engineer, my sister and i have alot of secrets we can not tell, my sister got a sewing machine from my aunt also, my sisters friend is always in the school plays in high school, jesse is alot like my sisters old boyfriend, bonnie and bonnies friend are like my old friends from camp, i joined stage crew once because i was to scared to try out for the play, i also stuck super glue to my hands once, my friends dad has a old car thing like the same one they have, my sister says nada also all the time and i hate that word, when my family used fire works nothing happened also, when the fire works did not work we were also mad.

8. Write about the author’s style and how it makes you feel.

i think the authors style is cool the way it is written  it some how makes me feel like his is happening to you. it makes me feel like surprised because her life is somewhat like mine.

9. Write about the language the author used and why you think the author wrote this way.

i think the author wrote it this way to make you feel like your living it and that in some peoples life these things happen in everybodys lifes.

12. Do you relate to any of the characters in the book? Explain how and why.

i can relate to callie because she is like just like me and my life, i can also relate to the two twins because i have a twin and i can hate it and you still alot do hangout and act like best friends, and can relate to liz because we are both scared of the same things.

16. Tell what you think could be changed in the book to make it better for readers.

i would make it more realistic for readers to actually put their feet in their shoes and feel like its going on around you, i would also make callies life a bit more weird and funny just for laughs.


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