The Hunger Games

1. Write about the author’s style and how it makes you feel.

  In my book, ‘The Hunger Games’, one thing that I predicted while I was reading is, I thought that Haymitch would have not gone through with the promise that he had made to Peeta and Katniss to stay sober so he can teach them some things about The Hunger Games. Also, I thought that Katniss would have gotten really mad at Peeta for asking to have separate training because she said that she trusted him.


2. Write about the language the author used and why you think the author wrote this way.

  In my book,’The Hunger Games’, I like the way that Suzanne Collins made Katniss fierce and gave her the courage to stick up for what she believes in. I like that Katniss acts like this because I think that it makes the story a lot more interesting when she gets in little arguments with people. Another thing that I like about the characters is how They all have different stories from theyre pat and for there future.


3. Tell what you noticed about the characters, such as what made them act as they did or how they changed.

  In my book, ‘The Hunger Games’, I think that Katniss has learned to trust people that she knows and to believe that people aren’t going to “stab her in the back” when she finally opens up to them… but I don’t think that  Katniss will stay this way.  Also, I think that Peeta has become more independent and is starting to really want to win The Hunger Games and is starting to not care a lot about Katniss and their d=friendship.





By bwilson5657

I Love My Dogs!


  1. i have never read any of theses books, i tried to read the second book but i dropped the book because it was boring because i did not read the first one. do you recommend these books?

    1. Read the first, then read the second. The first half of the second book isn’t that exciting, but the second half is (What i’ve been told and what I think) the best of all 3. I would start at the beginning of The Hunger Games and read through the Trilogy. I’m right in the middle of Catching Fire.

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