Rebel Angels

by: Chiralli Patel

In the first book A Great and Terrible Beauty Gemma, Ann, Felicity and Pippa all went to the realms. Once they took the magic out of the realms Circe’s assassin could enter the realms and use illusions on Gemma to gain her power. At the end she defeated the assassin but her friend Pippa wanted to stay in the realms forever because if she came back then she would have to marry a fat old man called Mr.Bumble who was very creepy. Through all that the Rakshana (protectors of the realms) sent Kartik to keep an eye on Gemma and if she went in the realms he had to report back to them so they could solve the problem.

1. Tell what like or dislike about the book and why.

What I dislike about the book is the main character: Gemma. She is horrible she makes everything so dramatic, she overreacts about everything, it’s so unneeded. She is so easily swayed by her friends to make bad decisions which do not only put her but possibly all of England. Ever since her friends persuaded her to take magic out of the realms in the first book everything went wrong. The magic used to be controlled by the ruins then Gemma and her friends took it out of the realms and it wasn’t controlled anymore, everyone who could enter the realms could use them.

4. Write about something in the book that surprised you or that you found interesting.

Since Kartik let Gemma go into the realms and didn’t tell the Rakshana in this book he has to “woo” Gemma and get her to find the source of the power the temple. Once she finds the temple she has to say “” that will bind all the power to the Rakshana but when Kartik was telling her what to do he did not mention that part. After all of that he has to kill Gemma as orders from the Rakshana!

12. Do you relate to any of the characters in the book? Explain how and why.

I don’t think I relate to anyone in the book. Even though they are teenagers they are from the Victorian age. Back then everyone had proper manners, went to balls in big ball gowns most of the girls just wanted wealth. If you laugh they think something is wrong with you and one of the girls had epilepsy, she had to hide it because if anyone knew they would all shun her.


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