
Right now in my book things are kind of moving slowly. Not many new things are taking place, so i really don’t have to much to say….

Calla is trying to decipher the meaning of a strange cross tattoo on the back of shay’s neck, a tattoo that he himself can’t see, and a tattoo that looks exactly like an image she found, while reading the keepers text. Underneath the image it says (in Latin)  “May scion bear the cross. The cross is the anchor of life.”

Calla seems to believe that Shay is this “Scion”, and that’s why the keepers ordered her to keep him safe.

2. Right now i am a little confused about who “Scion” could be, and what he has to do with Shay. Also, when Shay looked in the mirror he couldn’t see his tattoo, this made me wonder how that could be possible. I’m starting to think that Shay is more involved in the world of the keepers and the gaurdians, then Calla is. And Calla grew up in that world, it’s all she knows, whereas Shay has only has only just discovered it’s existence.

9. The language the author uses in this book is so-so. Sometimes her language fits her scenes really well, but then sometimes, not as much. For example; In some of the more romantic scenes, her language is very much “well fitting” her words fit the mood quite well, but then in her more action filled scenes, her language is kind of bland. Like i could be reading the scene, but not REALLY take it all in, because it just feels like words.

7. If you were to go through my connections, when i had just stated reading it, you would probably see that a lot of them refer to the “Twilight books”. Even though i never read those books, while i was reading i was constantly reminded of things i either saw in one of the movies, or heard from one of my friends.

One major resemblance i noticed was the “Were-Wolf” aspect, the way both clans (from both series’s) could change forms whenever they pleased. Another would be the way Calla occasionally craved blood, now this reminded me of the “Vampire” aspect in the Twilight series. Then of course there’s the love triangle aspect i noticed in both stories, but won’t explain right now. Basically i felt like this book was a HUGE  mash-up of all the different elements in the well known Twilight Saga.




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