20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

13.) I didn’t abandon my book but it there are reasons that I may abandon my book. The reasons I would abandon my book is that sometimes in the book I don’t understand what its saying or talking about, also there are the long words again that I have no idea what the meaning is for it. Also another reason is that its not the normal genre that I’m used to and theirs no action or mystery involved or any suspense in it. The genre of the book is more fiction and just about what M. Arronax is seeing and what he and his friends are doing. I wouldn’t read a book like this again, I cant get into it. I wont abandon the book probably but if I was less in it I probably would.


15.)  What happened at the climax was that Ned Land, Conseil, M. Arronax, And Captain Nemo went for a walk under the sea where fishermaen fish for clams. They see a shawdow and it ends up being a person but they thought it was one of the sharks that are all over there. They watch the fisherman fish for the clams by jumping off his boat with a rock tied to his ankle, then he fills a bag with clams and pushes off the ground to get back to his boat, then repeats that. But one time when he goes down a tiger shark charges at him, he dodges but the tail caught him in the stomach. Captain Nemo reacts and goes to fight the shark since its gone back to the unconcess man on the sand, Captain Nemo fights with the shark but the shark starts to win. Ned Land helps Captain Nemo and together they kill the shark. They all grab the man, Conseil, and M. Arronax following, and put him back in his boat. They revive the man and Captain Nemo gives him some pearls. I think that was the climax because after that one exiting scene everything starts to calm down again. I also thought that was the climax because it was the ONLY exiting thing that happened.


16.) I think that if they put more action in the book it would make it a lot better. If more action happened maybe when they go on their under water voyages it would make it so much better.  I also think that they should have stopped naming all the fish and things they see with HUGE names. Maybe if there was someway that they could also make it suspenseful like if maybe Captain Nemo and M. Arronax don’t get along instead of getting along since M. Arronax and his friends are supposed to be prisoner on the Nautilus. Thats what I think would make 20,000 Leagues under the sea better.
