Mocking Jay

7. Tell about the connections that you made while reading the book.

Katniss and her friends came across these weird mutts that were created by the Capitol. The mutts were attacking everyone and ended up killing three of the characters. This reminded me of the first book, “The Hunger Games” which is a text to text connection. There were mutts created by the Capitol that attacked Katniss, Peeta, and the other people in the Hunger Games. The mutts resembled dead tributes that were previously in the games. But in Mocking Jay, they were these lizard type mutts.

9. Write about the language the author used and why you think the author wrote this way.

The author, Suzanne Collins, is really great at explaining things in detail when she writes. I have enjoyed all three books from the series, “The Hunger Games”, “Catching Fire” and “Mocking Jay” and part of the reason is because I love how the author is so detailed. It makes books a lot more exciting to read, instead of being confused and not having detail.

10. Write about the author’s craft – what was effective about the way the author wrote.

Suzanne Collins, is a very descriptive writer. I like how when she describes things in Mocking Jay, you can really picture in your head what she is talking about. Like for example, when she was describing these mutt creatures, she explained them very well. She talked about their colour, size, skin, and how their tails looked like a repltile’s tail. This was very effective for this part of the story so that the reader can really imagine what the mutt looks like. If the author doesn’t describe it well, it’s not as interesting, and the reader can’t relate to it and picture it.

15. Explain what happened at the climax and explain why you think that is the climax.

Right now in Mocking Jay, I think I’m at the climax point because it seems like the chapters are getting more interesting as it gets closer to the end. At this point, Katniss is at war with the Capitol and it’s more suspenseful than earlier in the book. Recently, many of the main characters died because of different events that happened to them. I was surprised to find out that eight people died in just twenty-four hours! Especially because they were some of the main ones. I think this contributes to the suspenseful climax because of the unpredictable events.





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