
1. Tell what like or dislike about the book and why. In my book, Divergent, I like how the story takes place in the future because I find it interesting how things have changed compared to the time that we live in now. I like hearing about how things could end up, even though certain things… Continue reading Divergent


4. Write about something in the book that surprised you or that you found interesting. I started a new book, called Divergent by Veronica Roth. I was surprised when Tris (Beatrice) found out she didn’t have a true faction that was meant for her. She found this out by taking a test that every 16-year-old… Continue reading Divergent

Mocking Jay

3. Tell what you noticed about the characters, such as what made them act as they did or how they changed. Recently, Gale was captured by the Peacekeepers. He wanted Katniss to shoot him so he wouldn’t have to deal with being held hostage. Katniss didn’t shoot him because she didn’t know what he was… Continue reading Mocking Jay

Mocking Jay

7. Tell about the connections that you made while reading the book. Katniss and her friends came across these weird mutts that were created by the Capitol. The mutts were attacking everyone and ended up killing three of the characters. This reminded me of the first book, “The Hunger Games” which is a text to… Continue reading Mocking Jay

Mocking Jay

1. Tell what you like or dislike about the book and why So far in Mocking Jay, I dislike how there is not the annual Hunger Games like there is in “Catching Fire” and “The Hunger Games.” The book is the conclusion of the series so it’s a bit different, usually when The Hunger Games… Continue reading Mocking Jay

Mocking Jay

The book I’m reading is called Mocking Jay, it is the third and final book the Hunger Games series. I read the first two books in the trilogy, “The Hunger Games”, and “Catching Fire”. I really liked those books so I continued to read the series. Katniss Everdeen is the main character all three books, and… Continue reading Mocking Jay