The Hunger Games

16)  Tell what you think could be changed in the book to make it better for readers.

Something that could be changed in the book is the beginning of it. I didn’t like the beginning because i found it kind of boring. I tried to read it once and abandoned it because the beginning was really boring. But i started to read it again and got past the beginning and it is a really good book.

3) Tell what you noticed about the characters, such as what made them act as they did or how they changed.

Some things that i have noticed about the characters is that Katniss is very brave. i have noticed this because she goes into the forest when shes not suppose to (she can get caught and get killed.) Also, when they go to the Capitol to impress the audience, Katniss and Peeta wore capes the got set on fire Another reason is that in the reaping (where they pick names out of the bowl to compete in the hunger games) Katniss sister Prim got picked, but Katniss volunteered to take Prim’s spot.

8. Write about the author’s style and how it makes you feel.

The way the author write makes me really excited because she writes about the future (when the games come) and it sounds really exciting and im excited to get that far and read the part when they are fighting. Also, she always ends the chapter with and interesting ending.



13 responses to “The Hunger Games”

  1. msmuck5906 Avatar

    I have heard a lot about this book and movie. Is it any good? Good post over all.

  2. eschoenh0555 Avatar

    Nice! That book sounds interesting, I like how you pointed out that Katniss is so brave. Taking her sisters place in the Hunger Games, that has to take some guts! Would you ever do anything like that?! 🙂

  3. amckay9436 Avatar

    Great post Kennedy, is the book good? i really want to see the movie! 😀 is the book worth reading?? should i read the book before watching the movie?

  4. clamb9173 Avatar

    good job doing the posts sounds interesting! i’ve been wanting to read this book for a while keep us posted!!!!

  5. ksamuel9845 Avatar

    Matt- It is a great book!

    Emma- No, i would never do that :p I also don’t have younger siblings though.

    Alyshia- It is a great book and it is worth reading, but if you are going to read it before the movie you only have 2 days because the book comes out on March 23. I say you read it after you watch the movie because you might have a better understanding about it.

    Cody- Will do!

  6. msmuck5906 Avatar

    Thanks for the response Kennedy I might read that seris after i finish my books.

  7. eschoenh0555 Avatar

    Yeah, that’s a true say but what about your dogs, or your older siblings? Or your neighbors, people on your hockey/soccer teams? Wouldn’t you do something for one of your friends? (=

  8. ajarrell6756 Avatar

    good post 🙂

  9. ksamuel9845 Avatar

    But what Katniss did was Volunteer as tribute because her sister is so young (same age as us) and katniss would have a better chance of winning. All my hockey/soccer friends, neighbors and friends are the same age as me

  10. msmuck5906 Avatar

    I wouldn’t sacrifice myself for a dog

  11. cpatel8831 Avatar

    Nice post I can’t wait to read the book

  12. mgiraldi5331 Avatar

    I LOVE GALE!!!!!

  13. bahmed9852 Avatar

    The book sounds interesting. I might read it.
